The best stay- at- home moms are finding a great way to have friends over, and get perks for their creative family skills. Take Allison Finch of Bellarie, not in California, but in a upscale, educated, city within the city of Houston, Texas. She wanted to have silhouettes of her 4 children, herself, and her husband, with extra copies for the grandparents.
She contacted her favorite known silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, and asked her if she could do profile cut-outs of her family. C. H. Rose answered, “Where do you live?” “I am in Bellaire”, Allison, a former school teacher answered. Cindi explained, that for her to come out there was a flat fee for the hour, or that Allison could arrange a silhouette artist home Party. Depending on where the person lives, is how many appointments they need to get. The more appointments they make, the more free silhouettes that the host gets. Basically, since Allison was in the Houston area, she only needed to get 20 more appointments lined up. That took her one e-mail, some cheerios, snacks, a date and time.
When asked if she has done this in other cities. “Certainly”, Cindi replied, explaining that with 40 to 80 appointments out-of-state, she considers coming in. People with more appointments earn picture frames, which vary in price from $12 to $55. Her silhouettes are just $35 per person, with duplicate copies at $15 each person. Pets can be done, too, especially if they are family members. The moms were thrilled, silhouette artist Cindi came with picture frames, mats, and paper, and her antique, French silhouette black sheets. Her price was very reasonable, and many of the moms will save the extra copies for Easter and Mother’s Day Gifts. The host ended up with free silhouettes of her entire family, with 2 extra copies, one for each grandparent.
The children, were educated on papercutting skills, and C. Rose, shared her talents with them. “She was a delight”, one mom explained. Allison, home-schools her 4 children, and while Cindi was packing up her supplies, after the two hour party, Allison asked her children to please help “set the table for dinner” so she could help Cindi load up her car.
It is great to see old-fashioned values, in a contemporary era, Cindi Harwood Rose’s work is a timeless way to connect with the past, present, and future. Like Brenda McDanile said, “It was so warm, I did not have to fight the crowd in a mall, and was able to connect to other parents.” The Silhouettes by Cindi are incredible, no two looked alike, and they captured the character of each child and adult. For more information see