You’re Invited! 51fifteen at Saks & HRRF Kickoff: featuring Big Reveal!

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$30 Suggested Donation

Dress Code: Camera Ready

Houston, Texas – September 2017: Please join us at 5:30 pm at 51fifteen -Saks Fifth Avenue? Galleria with our underwriter and host Dr. Lucky Chopra (proprietor of 51fifteen Cuisine & Cocktails) for elevated eats, festive bubbly and captivating conversations as we kick off our fundraising efforts for October Breast Cancer Awareness Month for the Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation

As a special treat, we will honor breast cancer survivor “First Lady of Houston” Claudia Sierra as she reveals her Melania Makeover transformation for the filming of the hit television show INSIDE EDITION – so be sure to dress “camera ready” – we’re excited to share Claudia’s story with you as we reveal her new look to the world.

Immediately to follow filming of Claudia’s reveal for the television cameras, we’ll continue the party with dancing and celebrations with hosts, guests, and supporters of the Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation. 

ABOUT THE REVEAL: The BIG REVEAL is almost here! Following the media attention upon the announcement of  breast cancer survivor Claudia Sierra’s SEVEN plastic surgery procedures she underwent in October to more closely resemble Melania Trump, as noted in Life & Style MagazineThe New York Post, The Daily Star, The Daily Mail, NewsweekHarper’s Bazaar and many more, we invite you to celebrate her transformation at her exclusive reveal party with the television crew from Inside Edition & friends.

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